
2017年3月30日—TinyUmbrella,freedownloadforWindows.ProgramthatcanhelprestoreiOSdevicesbysavingSHSHblobs,allowinguserstodowngradeor ...,2023年12月11日—tinyumbrellaversion8.2(tinyumbrella.exe).TinyUmbrellaisasoftware...Windows›SystemTools›DeviceAssistants›tinyumbrella›8.2.,2023年12月26日—TinyUmbrellaforPCWindowsisafastandpainlessprogramforrevertingyouriOSdevicestotheirpreviousSettingsbysavingtheS...


2017年3月30日 — TinyUmbrella, free download for Windows. Program that can help restore iOS devices by saving SHSH blobs, allowing users to downgrade or ...

tinyumbrella 8.2 Download

2023年12月11日 — tinyumbrella version 8.2 (tinyumbrella.exe). TinyUmbrella is a software ... Windows › System Tools › Device Assistants › tinyumbrella ›8.2.

TinyUmbrella Download for PC Windows (71011)

2023年12月26日 — TinyUmbrella for PC Windows is a fast and painless program for reverting your iOS devices to their previous Settings by saving the SASH ...

Download TinyUmbrella 9.3.4 Free

2022年2月11日 — It is a tool that is often used for downloading Cydia app, fixing the devices stuck in Recovery mode, fixing iTunes errors, and much more.

Download TinyUmbrella for Windows 11, 10 ...

TinyUmbrella for Windows is a great tool to keep on your iPhone. You'll be able to use TinyUmbrella to restore your phone even after it's been modified to ...

TinyUmbrella 9.3.4 (3264

TinyUmbrella Latest Version 9.3.4 (32/64-bit) Update. Works with iOS devices with A7 or A8 chipset, such as iPhone 5s or later and iPad Air or later.

TinyUmbrella (64

2022年10月27日 — TinyUmbrella is 100% FREE and can be used on all modern versions of Windows OS (7, 8, and 10). Also Available: TinyUmbrella (32-bit) and ...


步驟5 啟動最新版本的iTunes,在Windows上按“ Shift”,在Mac上按“ Option”,單擊“還原”以還原iPhone。 步驟6 在彈出窗口中,選擇要降級的固件。 使用此方法,您可以還原 ...

[越獄消息]獲取SHSH利器TinyUmbrella 新版beta推出!支援 ...

TinyUmbrella是一款可將iOS設備進行SHSH備份的老牌軟體,該軟體是一款由JAVA寫成的軟體,由於隨著新機種一直推出,又面臨32bit、64bit問題,作者Semaphore也 ...

TinyUmbrella不工作- 這裡很容易修復

2019年6月20日 — 如果TinyUmbrella無法在Windows系統上啟動,您可以嘗試這種方式:. 檢查iTunes和Java是否都是最新版本,因為它們對於TinyUmbrella的工作非常重要。禁用 ...

iFaith - 免 JB 備份 iOS SHSH 工具教學

iFaith - 免 JB 備份 iOS SHSH 工具教學
